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TIN Registration in Nigeria

Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique number given to an individual, a registered business or incorporated companies for the purpose of tax payment. TIN as fondly called is generated by the Tax Authority for proper identification, order and ensuring that more people are captured for tax easy management.

Usually, the number is issued by the Tax Authority, through Joint Tax Board portal online or via an application letter to the office of Federal Inland Revenue Services nearest to your location.

TIN Registration in Nigeria

TIN Registration in Nigeria

In line with Section 10, subsection 2 of CIT Acts, as amended in 2019 Finance Acts. Banks in Nigeria has been mandated to obtain Tax Identification Number (TIN) from both Individual and Corporate Organisations, before an account can be open for them. The section equally requires Banks to ensure, all accounts opened prior to this Acts, provide such Tax Identification Number (TIN) information as a precondition for the continued usage of their bank accounts

This is done to synchronize taxpayer banking and tax database with a view to improving tax compliance and ease of tax administration. This will also expand the tax net to capture more individuals and the informal sector

Creation of TIN is divided into two

  1. TIN for Individuals
  2. TIN for Organisations

How To Generate TIN for Individuals

Individuals can apply on the JTB website with NIN or BVN (Bank Verification Number) or visit your nearest Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) with Utility Bill, Valid ID (Government Approved) and a Passport Photograph.

You can check online to see if you have an existing TIN by clicking here.

To verify TIN, search using your BVN or Registered Phone Number and your Date of Birth.

How To Generate TIN for Non individuals

Non Individuals such as (Limited Liability Companies, Incorporated Trustees, Enterprises, Cooperative Society, MDAs, and Trade Association etc.) can register for their TIN on the JTB website with Certificate of Incorporation and Director’s BVN or NIN and a valid ID of Directors.

Your request will be verified and approved. TIN Certificate will be sent automatically to registered email or hard copy can be pick at FIRS Office.

However the foregoing, due to system integration issues between FIRS and JTB, both individual and Non individual registration done on JTB website, will have to be domesticated at nearest FIRS Office for validation and proper activation for major Government Agency operations such as Nigeria Customs, Central Bank of Nigeria and Standard Organisation of Nigeria

To know more about how to create your TIN or other Tax Management , kindly contact us at :



 Phone:        07038254989                                                                                                                                 

Whatsapp: 07038254989